IRA with QCDs & Donor Advised Funds

“At my age, I’m required to take minimum distributions from my IRA but don’t need the funds now. So I have the IRA send a check directly to the St. Jude League! This way, I don’t have to pay taxes on my required distribution and I feel  good.”


IRA – Qualifying Charitable Distribution

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), also known as IRA Charitable Rollovers, are a smart way for individuals age 70.5 or older to use their IRAs to maximize the impact of their charitable giving to St. Jude League. The benefits include:

  • Reducing your taxable income – funds go directly from your IRA to SJL, thereby helping you avoid higher income taxes.
  • Satisfying Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) – If you do not withdraw your RMD, you face a penalty tax of 50% of the required withdrawal amount. QCDs can be used to meet your RMD and avoid penalties.
  • Maximizing your charitable impact – SJL receives the full amount of the transfer tax-free.

Remember, these gifts must come directly from your IRA account – funds that you withdraw and then contribute do not qualify.

Donor Advised Funds

What is a donor-advised fund (DAF)?

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic giving vehicle like a charitable savings account. It provides an immediate tax benefit to you, and allows you to easily support SJL and other charities of your choice over time. Generally, you can invest cash and appreciated securities, as well as other assets that SJL may not be able to accept as a direct gift.

How do donor-advised funds work?

DAFs can be easily set up through your financial institution or a community foundation to serve as a flexible charitable giving vehicle. For more information on how to establish a DAF, contact your community foundation or financial advisor.

A DAF is a simple way to turn your portfolio into an impactful gift to support the SJL mission.

  • Eliminates capital gains on donated stock. Giving accounts have the potential to grow, possibly providing additional funding when you are ready to make a gift.
  • You can make recurring gifts with ease, helping us to be prepared for the next emergency.
  • You can quickly put your charitable dollars into action to respond to emergencies and disasters with an immediate grant.

How to give to St. Jude League (SJL) through a DAF

  1. Use this search tool to make an effortless DAF gift
Logo DAF Direct

  1. Contact your financial institution or foundation.

    The grant will arrive at SJL with only the institution’s name and address on it, unless you request otherwise.*
  1. Call your philanthropic advisor or fund manager.

    A check from your fund will be sent directly to SJL.*

    *Please request for your name and address to be included. We recommend that you contact St. Jude League to inform us of your gift, so we can properly thank you for your generosity.

When granting through your donor-advised fund, please include the following information: