Established in 1929, the St. Jude League is a nonprofit organization that provides financial and operational support for several Claretian Missionaries ministries in the United States and Canada. These ministries are primarily:
- fostering and maintaining a devotion to St. Jude, the patron saint of hope;
- social justice, community development, and social service programs within high-poverty, urban Hispanic communities;
- publishing periodicals and digital journalism to help Catholics live their faith in the United States
The mission of the St. Jude League is the development of robust business and ministry support operations for these Claretian ministries.
Contact Us
Attn: Brian Wiley, Sr. Director of Mission Advancement
205 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois 60606
National Shrine of St. Jude – ShrineofStJude@StJudeLeague.org – (312) 544-8230
St. Jude League Community Development – CommunityDevelopment@StJudeLeague.org – (312) 544-8162
U.S. Catholic | Claretian Publications – Editors@USCatholic.org – (312) 544-8191