September 1 , 2023— Diana’s True Miracle

In her own words, Diana shares her family’s Story of Hope:
I want to share my testimony of our answered prayer because it is really a true miracle! Well, 2 years ago, my son and daughter-in-law were told that it would be close to impossible for them to be able to conceive a child because she produced very little eggs. I clearly remember the day I asked her if she had already gone to the doctor to check, she began crying and told me what she had been told. I knew they both wanted children, but my son told her not to worry that if it wouldn’t happen, they would travel. All this time I knew that that was their dream (they are the best uncle and aunt to their nieces and nephews).
Well, we ALL turned to pray, and I called St. Jude (Shrine) because he intercedes for the impossible. It has been 2 complete years, and on Saturday, July 15th, we, their parents, were invited to a cook out at their brand new home. My son then tells his wife, “Babe, Let’s take out the cookie cake.” I said, “Oh no, I’m hungry for food!” LOL.

Well, they took out the cookie cake, and we were all around the table. We saw it had a message and we thought it was congratulating them on their new home, but when we read it, it read, “Martinez Baby coming January 2024!!!!!” We were all in complete shock because we knew it was going to take a miracle from GOD for her to be able to conceive!!! When my daughter-in-law called the doctor, he asked if (her) Invitro was successful, and she said she didn’t go! He was also in total shock and asked if he could contact his friends to tell them what had just happened….A TRUE MIRACLE!
She said it was ALL GOD and of course he could spread the word of HIS miracle. So, please NEVER give up on prayer because GOD answers our prayers on HIS time, and HIS timing is perfect!!!!! Thank you so much St. Jude parishioners for keeping us in your prayers!!!! Much love and please keep them in prayers for a healthy baby and momma, and for a successful delivery. Forever grateful, Diana M.
Let’s keep the inspiration going. Tell us a personal story that gives you hope or share an inspiring hopeful journey you’ve taken!