March 18, 2023— SALUD Center

SALUD, “health” in Spanish, couldn’t be a more fitting name for the focal point of community growth in Chicago. SALUD Center delivers the opportunity for physical, financial, economic and mental health to a neighborhood in transition.
St. Jude League Community Development (SJLCD) recently visited with Claretian Associates (CA), an organization that creates affordable housing and offers vital services to the local community and residents, enhancing the security, safety and wellness of South Chicago. We had the opportunity to tour the vibrant SALUD Center which is the very definition of a model community center, also housing CA’s many programs. The center works on helping the community improve on it’s physical, financial, economic and mental health.
Whether your goal is to learn a new skill, grow support for your small business, or pickup a game of basketball, SALUD Center has space for you. The former YMCA facility has been rehabbed and repurposed to be available for meetings, large events, sports leagues and other rentals. Catering kitchen access is available as well. A true multi-purpose facility, the upper floors of the building offer ## units of affordable senior housing.

A highlight of the Center is an innovative youth program called U.N.I.T.Y. (United Network Influencing the Transformation of Youth). The program offers 14–17 year future leaders a supportive and safe environment to explore and hone their skills and develop their capacity for realizing their hopes and dreams. The core of the basic curriculum; leadership, trauma informed, civic engagement, and workforce preparedness forms up the foundation for growth and potential.
The energetic “squad” as the group sees itself, meets every Tuesday and Thursday in the Teen Drop-in Space at SALUD Center where the teens are constantly occupied activities or learning session.
The kinds of community initiatives and investment aid communities who struggle with poverty and social justice in ways that would seem impossible without the resources from your support.
SALUD Center gives people hope and the opportunity to change their lives, paths and destiny. Be part of the cause, learn how to get involved or and support SALUD Center below!