December 28, 2022—Hope News

Time is running short to deliver hope and change in 2022!
The end of the year can be a time of reflection for all of us. We consider the accomplishments and challenges of the past year and set intentions for the year to come. At SLJCD, we’ve reflected on this year’s growth and progress in recent Stories of Hope and Newsletters. Leading the way, our relationships with you, our supporters, have grown! That growth has empowered our ability to increase our funding to our network of Claretian programs. There’s reason to celebrate!
Along with the celebration comes the hard reality that there is much more work to be done. So, with our year-end reflection, we invite you to pause with us and review the network of Claretian-led programs SJLCD supports. Look beyond the deliverables of each program to reflect on the actual work that is done. Changing lives requires resources – people resources and financial resources. Visit our What We Do pages to learn more about each of the five focus areas of the programs SJLCD supports. Then, choose a favorite! Our challenge to you, as we end one year and begin another, is to muster your hope and support your chosen program in whatever way you can today, and in the year to come.

The ways you can support your favorite program are many! The most obvious might be to make a personal donation. Our challenge isn’t just about considering your ability to contribute. It’s truly more about your ability to connect with your chosen program, check in to see what the latest news is and importantly, to help spread the word!
Then, get creative! The ways you can help support the SJLCD mission are infinite! Consider these simple ideas:
1) Share our AmazonSmiles shopping link with your social network, family and friends. Our $1,000 annual grant could double or triple!
2) On your birthday (or just because) create a fundraiser to benefit your chosen program. You receive credit for every dollar you raise!
As you consider how to support your chosen program, do so with the confidence that 100% of each donation goes directly to our network of programs. And, know we’re hear to help you get creative. Let us know how we can help you to help you support your chosen program. And then be amazed at how you can multiply your value!
The SJLCD family of programs wishes you a New Year blessed with hope, abundance, health and joy! Thank you in advance for accepting the Challenge, for your interest and support!