October 15, 2022—Newsletter

Did you know that October 10th was World Homeless Day? Once a year, this nationwide day is dedicated to recognizing the needs of houseless people in society and dialoguing about how we can better meet their needs. Too often the needs of people who are homeless are swept under the rug or deemed unworthy of discussion because the issues aren’t easy to talk about.
But we cannot stay silent on this issue. In 2020 alone, over 65,000 people were homeless in Chicago. And that’s just one city. The epidemic of homelessness is international, and it only worsens as the pandemic, climate crisis, and economic recession continue to batter the world.
That’s why we support the life-changing work of Claretian-led organizations like Claretian Associates, which thus far has provided over 240 units of affordable housing to South Chicagoans and Albergue San Oscar Romero, which is currently providing a home to 75 migrants at the U.S. border. Every single person deserves the right to a home and safety, and SJLCD is working hard with our supporters to ensure that happens.
Join us in observing World Homeless Day, and support those in need!