September 17, 2022—Newsletter

13.8 million U.S. households were food insecure at some time during 2020. Due to food deserts—areas that do not have grocery stores that stock affordable and healthy food items—many residents of poor and low-income communities are not able to access the healthy nourishment they need.
Every day, food insecurity is met head-on at San Gabriel Mission and Our Lady of Fatima Parish who work to make those numbers smaller. They provide drive-thru and walk-up food pantry options for community members to access the food they need at no cost.
During the height of the pandemic, the Our Lady of Fatima Bread of Life food pantry provided food to approximately 300 families, and San Gabriel Mission Food Pantry serves an average of 900 families each month! Volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that everyone who enters the pantry leaves with a grocery bag containing groceries, meat or fish, bread, dry beans, produce, and sometimes cosmetics, adult diapers, and baby products. All for NO cost to the client.

Access to nutritious food is a human right, and SJLCD proudly supports Claretian-led organizations that uphold that core value. No one should go to bed hungry or have to choose between paying rent and paying for groceries. So this September, let’s double down and take action to end hunger! Join us today, and help us create bright futures!